31 March 2007
29 March 2007
(Based on a real story. No editing.)
Warning: content conteigious. The whole class was possesed with unstopable laughter!
It was late in the evening. About 8.30 pm and my students were feeling a bit tired already.
We were just revising some vocabulary and frases in which the words are used and here's a part of the conversation that i had with them:
ME: What's the meaning of the word "ghost"?
STUDENT No.1: The meaning of the word "ghost" is "duch"
ME: Excelent!
Some more vocabulary revised. Some more questions asked. None of it relevant enough to be mentioned except the following:
ME: What's the meaning of the word "guest"?
STUDENT No.2: The meaning of the word "guest" means "hosť"
ME: Good! What are the meanings of the words "host/hostess"?
STUDENT No.3: The meanings of the words "host/hostess" are "hostiteľ/hostiteľka"
ME: Okay! If you invited me into you house, would i be your guest or your host/hostess?
STUDENT No.4: If i ivited you into my house, you'd be my ghost. Oooops!
CLASS: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
She got a bit confused and combined me into a ghost! Wasn't it a smart move?
One or the other?
Hmm.. how about both in one!
Warning: content conteigious. The whole class was possesed with unstopable laughter!
It was late in the evening. About 8.30 pm and my students were feeling a bit tired already.
We were just revising some vocabulary and frases in which the words are used and here's a part of the conversation that i had with them:
ME: What's the meaning of the word "ghost"?
STUDENT No.1: The meaning of the word "ghost" is "duch"
ME: Excelent!
Some more vocabulary revised. Some more questions asked. None of it relevant enough to be mentioned except the following:
ME: What's the meaning of the word "guest"?
STUDENT No.2: The meaning of the word "guest" means "hosť"
ME: Good! What are the meanings of the words "host/hostess"?
STUDENT No.3: The meanings of the words "host/hostess" are "hostiteľ/hostiteľka"
ME: Okay! If you invited me into you house, would i be your guest or your host/hostess?
STUDENT No.4: If i ivited you into my house, you'd be my ghost. Oooops!
CLASS: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
She got a bit confused and combined me into a ghost! Wasn't it a smart move?
One or the other?
Hmm.. how about both in one!
24 March 2007
23 March 2007
Metóda k nadhľadu
Nadhľad nad vecami je možné si udržať jedine privlastnením si metódy citlivého humoru.
17 March 2007
- ME: "Happy Birthday, Taja!"
- TAJA: "Hehe, that's a nice joke. Thank you!"
- ME: "What do you mean? Is it not your b-day today?"
- TAJA: "No! My b-day is on the 26th of July."
- ME: "No way! How did I get to have your b-day in my calendar on today? Not born twice by any chance? Maybe some spiritual birth or something?"
- TAJA: "No. Don't think so. You're funny! Don't need to pretend to think that it's my birthday today! You can call me on a non birthday as well."
- ME: "Well, okay! I'll keep that in mind! So when? 26th of July? Gosh! I think i should get a better calendar. This one's so confusing. A week ago I forgot to go to school to teach. In fact I didn't forget. I simply didn't know i was teaching. Hmm... Definately something wrong with my calendar!!!"
02 March 2007
Hra na "koho zrovna treba"
Je 9.00 prave som vstala z postele - dnes neskor ako zvycajne. Obleciem sa, zotriem cierne kruhy pod ocami - vysledok neskorej vecernej unavy, ked sa uz neobtazujem odmalovat mejkap.Vzapati zvoni zvoncek pri dverach: "crrrrrrrrrn""Mozno susedka" - pomyslim si a bez ostychania otvorim dvere.Pred dverami vsak stoji cudzi muz. V tvari vyraz prekvapenia..."aha! Ved to je len postar" - hned si vysvetlujem. Takto po ranu to nejde az tak rychlo...
"Doporucena zasielka, pre pani Smolkovu. Ste to Vy?"
nie som to ja, ale preberam zasielku, beriem tlacivo na podpisanie a nahlas poviem "Smolkova" (podozrive, nie? Smolkova je moja sestra. Smolkova len 2 mesiace! Nebyva so mnou. Ale chodi jej sem posta.)
Vezmem aj pero a zacnem podpisoavat: "Ves... juuuuj, som ja hlupa!!! Zacala som pisat moje stare priezvysko, nevadi?"
Postar sa zasmial. Bola som celkom presvedciva! :D
Zaskocila ma moja pohotovost, ale sestra aspon nebude musiet chodit niekam na postu ;o)
Na konatela firmy som sa zahrala uz niekolkokrat, no na manzelku svojho svagra zatial len raz. :o)
Som v tom s postarmi dobra ;o)
"Doporucena zasielka, pre pani Smolkovu. Ste to Vy?"
nie som to ja, ale preberam zasielku, beriem tlacivo na podpisanie a nahlas poviem "Smolkova" (podozrive, nie? Smolkova je moja sestra. Smolkova len 2 mesiace! Nebyva so mnou. Ale chodi jej sem posta.)
Vezmem aj pero a zacnem podpisoavat: "Ves... juuuuj, som ja hlupa!!! Zacala som pisat moje stare priezvysko, nevadi?"
Postar sa zasmial. Bola som celkom presvedciva! :D
Zaskocila ma moja pohotovost, ale sestra aspon nebude musiet chodit niekam na postu ;o)
Na konatela firmy som sa zahrala uz niekolkokrat, no na manzelku svojho svagra zatial len raz. :o)
Som v tom s postarmi dobra ;o)
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