16 May 2007

Look at this little guy!! I'm now teaching him to count from 1 to 5... he's learning fast!!! :D

29 April 2007


This is my first and only nephew Tomasko! (on the photo only 10hrs old)

With my sister we live in the same flat. However... i had no idea that she was giving birth as she disapeared together with her husbant in the middle of the night. The next morning my mum noticed that her suitace is gone, But my dad said that she just took it into her room. So we were calm. Until my other sister called asking about the baby! "What baby??? Whose baby???" We simply didn't recieve the message that was sent to us because of some technical problems. Too bad... and quite funny.. that we live together.. but had no idea about anything!!!

Can't wait for them to come home!!!

Auntie Silvia


05 April 2007


Got up at 5. COrrected few exams while having a symbolical breakfast. Left home for work in a light jacket while there was a very chilly air outside. Took a tram. Got of the tram on a wrong stop. Standing on a bus stop for a while.. thinking where am i actually going and which bus am i actually taking. Realized i was heading the wrong direction. Got on anothoer tram, got of on the right stop but almost took a wrong bus. The first one that came... ohohow.. Here i realized, something's not all good with me. Eventually i got on the right bus and got off the bus on the right stop and there i was in the hotel where i was supposed to be having a lesson with my students. But... where are they? And where is my other colegue teaching the other group? It was already 7.15 and the lesson was supposed to start at 7. Hmmm... What the h... is going on? Never mind! Let's call her and find out! No! I don't have her number.. Dang it! Never mind! Took me a while to realize that the lesson was supposed to start at 8am instead of 7am. I made a fool out of myself in front of the receptionist... Had a cup of coffee and waited... Hmm.. and the day isn't over yet...

I must have gone mad!

I just keep wondering whether that is a short term or a long term error!!!

31 March 2007

29 March 2007


(Based on a real story. No editing.)

Warning: content conteigious. The whole class was possesed with unstopable laughter!

It was late in the evening. About 8.30 pm and my students were feeling a bit tired already.
 We were just revising some vocabulary and frases in which the words are used and here's a part of the conversation that i had with them:

ME: What's the meaning of the word "ghost"?
STUDENT No.1: The meaning of the word "ghost" is "duch"
ME: Excelent!

Some more vocabulary revised. Some more questions asked. None of it relevant enough to be mentioned except the following:

ME: What's the meaning of the word "guest"?
STUDENT No.2: The meaning of the word "guest" means "hosť"

ME: Good! What are the meanings of the words "host/hostess"?
STUDENT No.3: The meanings of the words "host/hostess" are "hostiteľ/hostiteľka"

ME: Okay! If you invited me into you house, would i be your guest or your host/hostess?
STUDENT No.4: If i ivited you into my house, you'd be my ghost. Oooops!
CLASS: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

She got a bit confused and combined me into a ghost! Wasn't it a smart move?

One or the other?
Hmm.. how about both in one!

24 March 2007

Prečo veriť v dobré?
Verme v perfektné!

23 March 2007

Metóda k nadhľadu

Nadhľad nad vecami je možné si udržať jedine privlastnením si metódy citlivého humoru.

17 March 2007


  • ME: "Happy Birthday, Taja!"
  • TAJA: "Hehe, that's a nice joke. Thank you!"
  • ME: "What do you mean? Is it not your b-day today?"
  • TAJA: "No! My b-day is on the 26th of July."
  • ME: "No way! How did I get to have your b-day in my calendar on today? Not born twice by any chance? Maybe some spiritual birth or something?"
  • TAJA: "No. Don't think so. You're funny! Don't need to pretend to think that it's my birthday today! You can call me on a non birthday as well."
  • ME: "Well, okay! I'll keep that in mind! So when? 26th of July? Gosh! I think i should get a better calendar. This one's so confusing. A week ago I forgot to go to school to teach. In fact I didn't forget. I simply didn't know i was teaching. Hmm... Definately something wrong with my calendar!!!"

02 March 2007

Človek by sa nikdy nemal cítiť osamelý.
Veď každá bytosť a bytie má svoju výnimočnú existenciu,
ktorá nám robí spoločnosť

Hra na "koho zrovna treba"

Je 9.00 prave som vstala z postele - dnes neskor ako zvycajne. Obleciem sa, zotriem cierne kruhy pod ocami - vysledok neskorej vecernej unavy, ked sa uz neobtazujem odmalovat mejkap.Vzapati zvoni zvoncek pri dverach: "crrrrrrrrrn""Mozno susedka" - pomyslim si a bez ostychania otvorim dvere.Pred dverami vsak stoji cudzi muz. V tvari vyraz prekvapenia..."aha! Ved to je len postar" - hned si vysvetlujem. Takto po ranu to nejde az tak rychlo...
"Doporucena zasielka, pre pani Smolkovu. Ste to Vy?"
nie som to ja, ale preberam zasielku, beriem tlacivo na podpisanie a nahlas poviem "Smolkova" (podozrive, nie? Smolkova je moja sestra. Smolkova len 2 mesiace! Nebyva so mnou. Ale chodi jej sem posta.)
Vezmem aj pero a zacnem podpisoavat: "Ves... juuuuj, som ja hlupa!!! Zacala som pisat moje stare priezvysko, nevadi?"
Postar sa zasmial. Bola som celkom presvedciva! :D
Zaskocila ma moja pohotovost, ale sestra aspon nebude musiet chodit niekam na postu ;o)
Na konatela firmy som sa zahrala uz niekolkokrat, no na manzelku svojho svagra zatial len raz. :o)
Som v tom s postarmi dobra ;o)

27 February 2007

Hádanka života - krížovka v riadkoch

V pokore srdca
Modlitbou k Bohu
Rozvíjaj vlohu
Byť ľudský v celej ľudskosti
Byť hodný Lásky

Duša znie mnoho rokov
Človek spraví mnoho krokov
Kým si nájde správny smer
Kým objaví v duši mier
Pokiaľ príde ten čas zrenia
Pozná veľa utrpenia
Pozná veľa bolesti
Kým dozreje k radosti

V samote srdca
Sama v sebe
Hádanku života

Milosti sa tomu dostáva
Kto v pokore srdca poznáva
Sám seba i Boha

13 February 2007


Nepoznám tvár, nepoznám hlas...
Predstavami krátim si čas
trochu vedľa ako sme sa dohodli.
Napoleon si našiel spoločíka skôr ako som prišla.
Oči mám nielen na stopkách ale aj na ujovi v čiernom kabáte.
Rozmýšľam, či ozaj telefonuje, alebo sa tak len tvári.
Telefonuje akosi dlho... asi má viac hovorov.
Veru, je to nevera!
Zrádza Napoleona v jeho tesnej blízkosti.
Hľadám, pozerám, prezerám
každého podozrivého
každú podozrivú

Nepoznám tvár, nepoznám hlas...
Predstavami krátim si čas
skúmam okolie.

Má ešte čas.
Ešte tu nemusí byť.
Až tak veľmi nehľadám.

Niekto prichádza.
Vidí ma.
Čaká na znamenie.

Ja tiež!

Taký dlhý pohľad som si hádam s nikým ešte nevymenila,
ale zrejme nebol dostatočne dlhý aby bol TÝM znamením.

Schôdzka na slepo s očami na stopkách.

Sedíme vedľa seba.

"Nie, to nebude ona"

Hľadíme všade kam sa dá,
ale naše pohľady sa už nevedia stretnúť tak ako prvýkrát.

"Žeby to predsa len bola ona?"

Už som si takmer istá!
Čakáme sa navzájom. Veľmi trpezlivo.
A je nám krásne.
Nechýbame si. Veď už sme spolu.

Nerušme chvíľku!
Nevyberaj z vrecka telefón!
Nevolaj mi, lebo sa prezradíme!

Druhé kolo stretnutia pohľadov:
(Už poznám aj hlas.)
A vzápätí zvuk smiechu.

Je nám ešte krajšie!

02 February 2007


16 January 2007


Jestvuje taký smiech
len na očiacha a v nich.
Jestvuje taký smiech,
ktorý je celkom tichý.
Že srdce sa smeje
aj bezcitný cíti.
Smiech hovorí:
Som tu rád.
Smiech hovorí:
Mám vás rád.

(Smiech - ten prejav šťastia... je krásny a zachraňuje ľudí pred smútkom.)